Inside the

Comfort Zone

With Adam Kawalec

Redefining personal development helping you handle change with ease, so you can have more freedom, joy and success in all areas of life.

Join the Insider Community

Ease, Peace and Freedom in all areas of life

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Getting things done and enjoying life shouldn't be so hard, right? Join the community to get the tools, support and coaching you need to make life easier and more enjoyable.You might be looking for ...

  • Less stress

  • Less anxiety

  • Less suffering

  • More joy

  • More meaning

  • More freedom

  • Simply more ease in the things you do

But perhaps right now you’re feeling ...

  • Unseen or frustrated in your relationship(s)

  • Unmotivated at work

  • Tired and burnt out

  • Stuck and unable to take action

  • Unsure if life really can be easier and HOW(?!)

I invite you to join the Insider Community. An intimate and interactive experience designed to help you get things done the easy way so that you can do more of what it is that you want to do!The coaching experience is based on the unconventional concept of "inside the comfort zone" which I explore on my podcast and as the topic of my upcoming book. It's part of the work I do with my private 1:1 clients and it has been the journey I myself started over a decade ago.Joining the community allows you to deepen your relationship with making life easier and to grow, perform and succeed inside the comfort zone, and to receive the support to help you make changes in all areas of your life.The first 30 members join at the "founding-members-price" of only €19/mo.

When you join you get ...

  • One weekly group call led by me (Adam). These calls are for coaching, support and open conversation exploring anything that’s on your mind AND to go further explore the theme of the week. The calls happen every Thursday at 9am PST | 12pm EST | 5pm UTC | 6pm CET | 8pm Dubai (GST).

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  • Each week together we explore a specific topic with daily prompts from Monday to Thursday culminating in our group call on Thursday, before we start a new theme on the following Monday.

  • Each week brings something fresh, and I’m available to share, support and offer advice on how to integrate the changes into your life.

  • You have access to the community chat 24/7 where you can ask questions, share, celebrate and receive support.

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  • You also have access to a selection of some of my best tools and resources that I’ve created over the years, previously only available to my personal 1:1 clients.

Here's the plan ... 👇

I want to run this community with the goal of making it a very personal and intimate experience where there’s time for you to get my support and attention in the community forum and on the calls. Because of this I am envisioning this in 3 stages:

  • Founding members. Enrolling the first 30 people into the community

  • Core members. A community consisting of no more than 100 members

  • Next level experience. Beyond 100 members.

CallVideo chatAudio ChatGoogle Meet

Now is the best time to join! When you join you get to keep the beneficial price for the remainder of your active membership.

Why WhatsApp?

The community is run on WhatsApp, especially until it outgrows the forum. The main reason for this is because I want to make it easy for us all to stay in touch and with a communication app like WhatsApp that is very popular, together with it's features of encryption, ever-evolving community functions makes is an ideal no-cost and low-hassle tool for the community.In fact, WhatsApp has some of the most solid community functions around and they keep evolving. It's free to download and safe to use.In some ways, I am building this community out using very low cost tools as a way to show others how we indeed can do this with greater ease than we often think, and I hope to inspire more poeple to take steps in the direction of their dreams and visions.Join the journey and experience more ease, peace and freedom in all areas of life!

Become An [insider]

Be notified when the Inside the Comfort Zone show goes live or when new episodes are available + join the [insider] community and receive a free 5-day audio course on how to get life right

Want to be a guest on Inside the Comfort Zone Show?

I am so excited that you are here, because it means that we might be collaborating in creating some great content together, and that I get to share your story, mission and advice with the [insider] community;A community that is tired of the hustle and bustle, cutthroat, competitive fear driven world, where time-money-freedom scarcity is a common reality for so many of us.I am specifically looking for advice, tips and stories that are somewhat unconventional - challenging the typical messages we often hear in the personal development industry.This is a great opportunity for you to position yourself as a thought leader, offering a fresh and new take on something that can help people better handle change or improve performance, helping them achieve their goals.

Here's how it works...

1. Your interview is asynchronous (What's that??!!)

My show aims to have scalable and easy to manage conversations. Which is why I use Rumble Studio to record your interview.You'll read/listen to my questions - questions that I would normally ask if we we're recording LIVE together, and then record your own answers (and re-record if you'd like to make any changes).

2. No need for you to do anything more - I'll do the rest!

Once you're done, your recorded answers will be sent over to me and I will handle the rest.I will find a fitting time and way to add your responses to an episode on the ICZ show.

3. Promote and position yourself

As soon as I've scheduled the episode that will feature your participation I will notify you. And provide you with any marketing assets to help you promote the episode - if you choose to do so.When you share the episode with people you get an opportunity to share your story and make an impact but also position yourself as perhaps someone with experience in change and overcoming challenges.

Ready to be my guest..?

If now is not a good time, you can come back and hit the button below when it's a better time for you - and remember you can always re-record your answers if you're not satisfied before sending them.

Want to a ask a question?

Have a question, want to share your feedback or an insight from listening to Inside the Comfort Zone show?Send an audio recording of your question or feedback, and if it's useful to the [insider] community it might be featured in an episode - and your contribution will co-create the content of the show!

Here's how it works...

ℹ️ - Recording your answers can be done from your desktop or phone - no need to download anything.

ℹ️ - You can record using an external mic or record your answers using your phone.

ℹ️ - When you record your answers, if you make a mistake or aren't happy with your recording you can easily re-record your answer before moving on.

Ready to ask your question..?

If now is not a good time, you can come back and hit the button below when it's a better time for you - and remember you can always re-record your answers if you're not satisfied before sending them.

What is the Get Things Done The Easy Way Online Program?

This is an online guided 6-week program designed to help people get things done the easy way, so that they can do more of what they want, so that they can have more joy, meaning and fulfilment in all areas of their lives.When you join the program, you’ll receive instant access to 5 exclusive audio lessons and an accompanying workbook to prepare you for the program. You’ll also be able to join the discussions in the private members chat where you will learn from the support being given to other Insider Members, and where you can always get as much personal support as you need.This is so much more than just an online course – it’s a community full of personal support. There are 2 live group calls each week, throughout the course, hosted by Adam Kawalec. You can bring your questions, your coaching requests and receive personal guidance on what you need support with. You will hear so much from hearing from other program members on a similar journey, as you observe them during the coaching conversations with Adam.You’ll have access to workbooks designed to support your learning journey and to help you implement the principles of getting things done the easy way.

What is the cost of the program?

The total investment for the program is €99 (roughly 105 USD) for lifetime access to all the learning materials, as well as personal support and guidance from Adam Kawalec for the duration of the course.You can also choose a payment plan and pay 3 payments of €33. This is a pilot program being offered at a great discount which will not be available at the same price ever again.Don’t be fooled by the program being in a pilot stage, it won’t lack anything, if anything it will only grow more comprehensive from here on out, and you’ll be given access to any updated versions of the program.

Reserve your spot

By adding your name to the list you'll receive more information about the program and be the first to know when it launches. Your submission isn't binding.

Private members chat

The online course offers access to a private members chat where Adam answers your questions and provides 24/7 coaching and personal support throughout the six-week period.Note: The forum is a private and end-to-end encrypted group chat using the community functions provided by WhatsApp (you can access the chat from the web or via the official app). Using WhatsApp is a strategic decision to simplify use and communication, avoiding the need of yet another account and password for yet another hard-to-remember service.

Supportive community

Whether you have a simple question, want clarification on a teaching topic, want to share an insight or victory, or need in-depth support, the  Insider member  community is always accessible, supportive and responsive.

Lifetime access

You have lifetime access to all of the materials within the program so you can revisit everything as often as you’d like, for as long as you’d like.It’s extremely important to me that you have lifetime access to the content because, as you continue to grow in your understanding of how you can change, perform and succeed from INSIDE the comfort zone, you’ll have totally new insights when you revisit the course materials.

Reserve your spot

By adding your name to the list you'll receive more information about the program and be the first to know when it launches. Your submission isn't binding.

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Morbi tempus iaculis

Aliquet eget sit amet tellus cras magna sed adipiscing. Diam quis enim lobortis scelerisque dolor fermentum. Magna etiam fuegiat lorem ipsum consequat blandit nisl consequat.

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  • Pellentesque eu tincidunt amet consquat sed tortor adipiscing consequat

  • Elementum pulvinar lorem ipsum

  • Donec tincidunt arcu tempus consequat

  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet

Magna feugiat consequat



  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet

  • Pellentesque eu tincidunt amet consquat sed tortor volutpat etiam

  • Elementum pulvinar lorem ipsum

  • Donec tincidunt arcu tempus consequat

Tempus adipiscing nullam

Vel pharetra turpis

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Turpis egestas sed tempus urna nibh sit amet commodo nulla facilisi nullam.

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  • Unseen or frustrated in your relationship(s)

  • Unmotivated at work

  • Tired and burnt out

  • Stuck and unable to take action